Things That Make You Learn: Top 10 Worst Albums of 2008 (4-1)
Did I build up suspense? Here you go!
4. The Mars Volta- The Bedlam In Goliath
-The band in general went on a wrecking ball in 2008. I mean, Omar released about 3004994 solo/side projects/crap albums this year. I felt the release was just too damn weird. Nothing made sense. Figures.
3. The Maine- Can't Stop Won't Stop
-When The Maine announced they had signed to Fearless Records, I was stoked. They released The Way We Talk EP in 2007, which showed a lot of potential. But 2008 is a new year. After the first song, I couldn't do anything with this record. The press photos were gross, the fans are gross, this album is gross. Please make a new record and stop releasing fan girl crap.
2. Brokencyde- Brokencyde
Didn't even listen to the album. The picture is enough to describe the album.

1. Black Kids- Partie Traumatic
-Well, well. What do I have to say about this band. The song "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance" is great. If they just released one single, they probably would be the next Teen Bop sensations. But, they aren't teens and they aren't bop. The mispelling of "Party" really pissed me off. Pitchfork's review was great. The album just went no where. I still listen to that one song. I usually pretend I'm playing it in front of my school in a talent show. Oh well.

-The band in general went on a wrecking ball in 2008. I mean, Omar released about 3004994 solo/side projects/crap albums this year. I felt the release was just too damn weird. Nothing made sense. Figures.

-When The Maine announced they had signed to Fearless Records, I was stoked. They released The Way We Talk EP in 2007, which showed a lot of potential. But 2008 is a new year. After the first song, I couldn't do anything with this record. The press photos were gross, the fans are gross, this album is gross. Please make a new record and stop releasing fan girl crap.

1. Black Kids- Partie Traumatic
-Well, well. What do I have to say about this band. The song "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance" is great. If they just released one single, they probably would be the next Teen Bop sensations. But, they aren't teens and they aren't bop. The mispelling of "Party" really pissed me off. Pitchfork's review was great. The album just went no where. I still listen to that one song. I usually pretend I'm playing it in front of my school in a talent show. Oh well.
honestly you fucking suck. get a better fucking life. do something. these blogs are fucking pathetic.
get a life guy
you blow me son
nice sweater, faggot
Actually, I'd say that The Bedlam in Goliath is one of the best album released in 2008. If not the best. Just because it defies your boxed in views of music doesn't make it bad kid.
You're right
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