Things That Make You Learn: Top 10 Worst Albums of 2008 (10-5)
Not gonna lie, this year has been a music drought. Mostly made out of really bad music. Here's a list of my Top 10 Worst Albums of 2008. Please argue if you think otherwise.

10. Anthony Green- Avalon
-I was a huge fan of this guy. Then it seemed that every scene kid latched onto his life. His live performances sucks, just like this album. The only track worth listening to is the "I've Been Dying To Reach You" version with Good Old War.
9. The Dodos- Visiter
-Some bands get too much press. Example: The Dodos. Not gonna lie, I'm a fan of the band. But, this release, did not live up to the hype. Found it boring after track 2.

8. Joan of Arc- Boo Human
-Originally, I was pretty impressed with this release. I'm a fan boy of the whole Kinsella family. However, it gets bad when I hum a song thinking they wrote it, when it's a completely different band. I'm very disappointed with this release, but still love this family. Oh yeah, Mike release new music already.

7. Manchester Orchestra- Let My Pride Be What's Left Behind
-Someone recently told me I don't like "semi-popular music." I wouldn't call Manchester Orechestra "semi-popular," but that's what she meant. This EP was a total tease. Honestly, seven dollars for a 12 minute DVD? And two new songs? Come on. The artwork is on my wall though. Probably one of my favorite artworks this year.

6. The Hold Steady- Stay Positive
-Enough said.
5. Gang Gang Dance- Saint Dymphna
- Probably one of the most genric bands of 2008. I mean, if they came out like two years ago..I would like them more. But this release doesn't stand up to MGMT or El Guincho. Sirus plays this on channel 26 a lot. It gets annoying.
Check back later this week for my 4-1 list!!

10. Anthony Green- Avalon
-I was a huge fan of this guy. Then it seemed that every scene kid latched onto his life. His live performances sucks, just like this album. The only track worth listening to is the "I've Been Dying To Reach You" version with Good Old War.

-Some bands get too much press. Example: The Dodos. Not gonna lie, I'm a fan of the band. But, this release, did not live up to the hype. Found it boring after track 2.

8. Joan of Arc- Boo Human
-Originally, I was pretty impressed with this release. I'm a fan boy of the whole Kinsella family. However, it gets bad when I hum a song thinking they wrote it, when it's a completely different band. I'm very disappointed with this release, but still love this family. Oh yeah, Mike release new music already.

7. Manchester Orchestra- Let My Pride Be What's Left Behind
-Someone recently told me I don't like "semi-popular music." I wouldn't call Manchester Orechestra "semi-popular," but that's what she meant. This EP was a total tease. Honestly, seven dollars for a 12 minute DVD? And two new songs? Come on. The artwork is on my wall though. Probably one of my favorite artworks this year.

6. The Hold Steady- Stay Positive
-Enough said.
5. Gang Gang Dance- Saint Dymphna
- Probably one of the most genric bands of 2008. I mean, if they came out like two years ago..I would like them more. But this release doesn't stand up to MGMT or El Guincho. Sirus plays this on channel 26 a lot. It gets annoying.
Check back later this week for my 4-1 list!!
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