Saturday, March 15, 2008

Volume's Pleasure: High Places (3/15/08)

So this is my first recommendation. High Places. Band from Brooklyn, New York; seriously a really interesting act. Many other websites are talking about this band a lot. Reminds me a lot like Animal Collective not on LSD. Very smooth melodic beats of drums and guitar melodies. Not far from now will this band explode. It's just a matter of time.

High Places- Head Spins (MP3)
High Places- Cosmonaut (MP3)


a couple words from the author

i'm going to be posting random reviews up as well as interviews. just something to build my resume up for when I want to do something with myself and music. so... I'll be posting some stuff later on tonight or in the future.

i'll be covering genre's such as: indie/hip-hop/rock/ect...

first review: she and him.

She and Him- Why Do You Let Me Stay Here

be aware, stay awake
