This girl I talked to showed me this video of all these high school kids describing their year with one word or one phrase. She thought the video was the best idea ever. It was pretty unique. But it really didn't have that huge of a factor for me. I was more interested in the music behind the video. Wound up being The Higher.

I pretty much wrote off this band by how bad they were. How the lyrics were terrible. I think I even used them to get to a girl one time. Doubt it worked. But whatever, that doesn't matter. I think i really wrote off this band after they came out with that terrible music video for "Insurance?" But I went back to re-listen to older releases. Their release "On Fire" isn't that bad after all. I mean, am I going to listen to this when there's no music left for me to check out? Probably not. But for some good catchy music and mass amounts of piano rock. This band has it.

I know this song is a song a fan favorite and all but "Histrionics" has become one of my most listened to songs on my lap top. It's a pretty simple song explaining how some guy keeps getting screwed over by the same girl over and over again. The song really has no relevances to the personality disorder called Histrionics. Quite frankly, I think vocalist Seth Trotter used the word wrong so it could fit in the song. Maybe mistaking the word to been "history?" Who knows. Check out the lyrics below.
One check, one love, How many times can we watch him crumble? Histrionics repeats itself all over again, I'm down on what you say, You're becoming so the same, If it were up to me you're gone I've been dyin to get it into you somehow, One check, one love, How many times can we watch him crumble? Histrionics repeats itself all over again, I'm down on what you say, You're becoming so much the same girl, If it were up to me you're gone I've been dying to get it into you somehow
So that girl really got me thinking about other releases I didn't like. Maybe I'll blog about something different tomorrow/later. I don't know. But life right now is (hate to say it) "one check, one love." Love haha. Yeah right.
The Higher- Histrionics (MP3)

I pretty much wrote off this band by how bad they were. How the lyrics were terrible. I think I even used them to get to a girl one time. Doubt it worked. But whatever, that doesn't matter. I think i really wrote off this band after they came out with that terrible music video for "Insurance?" But I went back to re-listen to older releases. Their release "On Fire" isn't that bad after all. I mean, am I going to listen to this when there's no music left for me to check out? Probably not. But for some good catchy music and mass amounts of piano rock. This band has it.

I know this song is a song a fan favorite and all but "Histrionics" has become one of my most listened to songs on my lap top. It's a pretty simple song explaining how some guy keeps getting screwed over by the same girl over and over again. The song really has no relevances to the personality disorder called Histrionics. Quite frankly, I think vocalist Seth Trotter used the word wrong so it could fit in the song. Maybe mistaking the word to been "history?" Who knows. Check out the lyrics below.
One check, one love, How many times can we watch him crumble? Histrionics repeats itself all over again, I'm down on what you say, You're becoming so the same, If it were up to me you're gone I've been dyin to get it into you somehow, One check, one love, How many times can we watch him crumble? Histrionics repeats itself all over again, I'm down on what you say, You're becoming so much the same girl, If it were up to me you're gone I've been dying to get it into you somehow
So that girl really got me thinking about other releases I didn't like. Maybe I'll blog about something different tomorrow/later. I don't know. But life right now is (hate to say it) "one check, one love." Love haha. Yeah right.
The Higher- Histrionics (MP3)
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