I told myself when I re-opened this blog that I wasn't going to let the Indie aspect of my life die. Well, it hasn't at all. The past weeks we've seen some interesting albums dropping from the hipster living. Here are two albums I highly suggest download/buying as they are currently some of my favorite rights now.

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Let It Sway
The Missouri boys are back. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin releases Let It Sway, courtesy of Polyvinyl Records. The album has a lot of songs (I'm too tired to count them right now). Notable tracks that stick out: Banned (By The Man), Back In The Saddle and All Hail Dracula! It's a lot different from SSLYBY previous releases (Pershing & Broom). It kind of sounds like Fountain of Waynes on LSD. That's fine in my books.
Rating: 78%

When I first heard the Ra Ra Riot album, I was pretty tired and drunk. I decided to click on a random song. 'Shadowcasting' was the song and what a fucking jam that song is. I haven't The Orchard much of a listen, but I can already tell it's not going to be as strong as The Rhumb Line.
Rating: 74%
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