Staff writer Kyle Schnitzer recently got a chance to sit down with Justin Richards, vocalist/guitarist of Top Unsigned act Brighten when they stopped through Rockville Centre, NY (woot woot, hometown love!) on their tour with Danger Radio, Farewell, and Red Car Wire. The band recently released their new EP, Early Love, which you can purchase here. You can check out the interview below.
Brighten Interview- 9/27/08
The Vibe Lounge, NY (Rockville Centre)
Make Like A Leaf And Fall Tour (Featuring: Danger Radio, Farewell, Brighten, Red Care Wire)
Interviewed by: Kyle Schnitzer
Being Interviewed: Justin Richards of Brighten (Vocalist/Guitarist)
Describe your sound. I know it's a hard question to ask you, but for someone who isn't familiar with your music, what should they expect?
Justin: I would say a mix between alternative rock, a mix between Jimmy Eat World and Augustana, The Get Up Kids. Stuff like that is what we are aiming for. It would be really cool if the fans would just listen and enjoy us. Instead of talking through bands sets, just pay attention and find out.
How did the artwork for "Early Love" come about? Is there any meaning behind it?
Justin: There really isn't any meaning to the artwork of Early Love. We just wanted a summer feel for it. Like a warm feeling. On the inside of the EP, there's a girl and a guy on a bike. We wanted to bring out the side/shot of happiness and like love. Just kind of like a new found love. So the name "Early Love" pretty much has the same meaning as the artwork.
Why did you decide on the name "Early Love?"
Justin: I hope that they catch onto it. And I hope the feeling that they get from this is happiness and a positive outlook on music. Instead of writing about problems with relationships, maybe like the positive side of it like from growing from it and just moving on.
What is the song "Swing" about? Does Carolina have a meaning behind it (AKA girl)?
Justin: (Laughs) Swing is about just kind of like.. I don't know. It's about.. I don't want to say but a good example would be stupid, but a stripper. You're doing something that you know is wrong, but you feel like you have to do it. Like really there's more to life than this. Happiness is what you should be doing, doing what you, is what makes you happy. Instead of doing something to make you feel like you're doing something with your life. So, instead of doing something just to scarp by, just doing something to make you happy I guess.
Now is there really a "Carolina?" Like is it fictional character or non-fictional?
Justin: That's fictional. It was kind of like a, the song was originally supposed to be about North Carolina and South Carolina about how they were splitting up. But, I made it into California is too far away from Carolina, when they still want to work together. Even though they don't work together, they should, they still want to be friends. So the song is kind of like a relationship story.
When Jimmy left the band, thoughts of a split was what I was hearing out of the Brighten camp. How has the band managed the loss of Jimmy. Would you consider the band stronger than it was?
Justin: It was tough because he's my brother and I obviously love him. He wanted to go to school and he didn't know if touring was the thing he wanted to do for the rest of his life because he's the oldest one. It took him a long time to realize that he didn't want to tour. It's kind of like we have a new guitar player and since now it's a four piece, we can defiantly work off of each other. So with the loss of him, we defiantly gained a couple other things that defiantly helped. But, I wouldn't say we're stronger without him. It's just different and we have to get use to it. But, I think it's working out.
That's Austin we're talking about? His band is really, really good!
Justin: Yeah, Austin Gibbs & The States. They're awesome. I want more music [Laughs]
Are there any B-sides to Early Love?
Justin: Well, we were going to put, it was going to be five songs, but then we had "Swing" or six songs. Then we had "Swing" and another song called "Windy Heart." We decided not to put "Windy Heart" on it, and to remix "Swing." With "Windy Heart," we might try to put it on iTunes just for like a B-side or something.
If you could give advice to bands about signing a record contract, what would that be?
Justin: Yeah, you never know what you're going to get cause every band when they get signed, are super excited. But, a lot of times, not too many times, but sometimes it's really easy for it not to work out. So, if it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world. If you want to do it, keep doing it because if you work hard, it'll pay off in the end. Also, it's not the end of the world if one record label doesn't work out. You know, you grow from it, and people will defiantly see those changes.
Are you guys looking at any new labels now? Or just taking your time with the decision?
Justin: Uhm, we kind of just got the new people in the band, so we're kind of waiting for everyone to get comfortable with each other. Then, hopefully we'll build an "on-line" buzz and maybe something will come from that. So, our main focus is trying to gain fans right now.
Do you think it's a good thing so many bands are sharing a similar sound? I know there's a band out there called Bastian who have a similar sound.
Justin: Ah, Bastian are some cool guys and great sound. I think it is good for bands to share a similar sound because the music like genres are always growing and I kind of think that they all blend together. Now, there's a couple bands that stick out; but, it's so hard to make your own genre these days. If you listen to the band, it's easy to pick some of the sound. It's always cool because with everything sounding the same, it's always making something new. I think it's the way of going to the beat.
As artists do you try to separate yourself from that or try to stay similar with your own spin/flavor added on?
Justin: I try to because it's tough for me, because a lot of the music that is popular these days, I cannot stand. So, it's like tough because I still want to have the art and the writing side behind it, while still trying to get the fans side of it. And it's tough for people, who don't think about partying and hooking up with girls and not to get far. But, you just have to write what you love and if it show's what your music is, then kids are going to like it no matter what it's about.
How different is it to play a show here (New York) to a local show back in California?
Justin: It is. It's so weird because California has so many bands and I think a lot of kids from California are in love with the shows. But the music scene is so big. California is a lot of fun, like when kids come out, they are really, really cool. But, it's hard to get a crowd out there. For some reason, kids on the East Coast are so interested in meeting the bands and actually having relationships with the band. So, it's defiantly cool to come over here and play to people who actually know who you are.
What bands have you been listening to lately?
Justin: I listen to a lot of things that aren't like us. I listen to a lot of Sigur Ros, which their new album is awesome. I've also just started listening to this new artist named Missy Higgins. She is really, really good. I'll always like Augustana and Copeland and stuff like that. I've heard Copeland's new record, and it's really good.
So what would you call your top five albums of 2008?
Justin: Can't Love, Can't Hurt? I think that's the name of the new Augustana record. Uhm, let's see. Of this year, I really do like the new Maine record Can't Stop Won't Stop. It's weird because people don't really like the record, but because they are our friends and I love anything that they do. That, the new Morning Light album. They're coming out; that's like another thing, they love like the writing and music type. They are really good at everything they do. Well, the new Coldplay Viva La Vida for sure, probably the new Death Cab record.. Let's see one more? Maybe John Mayer? Continuum is so good.
A while back, I saw you had a solo page.. including acoustic versions of songs as well as covers. Could we possibly seeing a future solo record from you?
Justin: I really want to put out a record. I'm planning in December, when we have some time off, I have a friend in Chico who records and I really want to do a solo thing. Like, I've always really wanted to, but I've never had the time. So, yeah I'm planning on it.
The Lydia cover of This Is Twice Now is really, really good!
Justin: Thank you. My dad bought a ukulele and I started playing on it and I learned Lydia and came up with that. Thanks you.
Who has been your biggest supports?
Justin: My family for sure. Even with everything, money troubles and even bringing our cds to work and showing their friends, sticking up for us when their friends doubt us and be like they're not doing anything with their lives. All of our families, friends, and our fans are our biggest supporters. All the fans out there because for some reason, when we had a little over a year without putting out new music, we still got the same amount of plays as we did when we put out new music. So our fans, are real important.
With that said, what band would you say really got Brighten out there? I remember watching an acoustic video of you playing acoustic at a Cute Is What We Aim For gig.
Justin: Man, I don't know. I kind of just took us out on our first tour when we kind have just a couple week tour before that. That was defiantly our first big tours, which also helped out a lot. We drew fans from that. Hawthorne Heights has always believed in us. Just like all of our friends bands who are bigger with more fans defiantly helped us out. Bands like The Maine are defiantly helping us out. It's just really cool because you're trying to build a family with all of our friends. I mean, if we can't help them out, we will because they will help us out as well. We have a big group of family and it'll be hard just to pick one.
Have you ever thought about just giving up with music and moving on?
Justin: I couldn't. I thought about it, if I physically could, but I've put too much of my life into this. Like from the 5th grade on, I just gave up on school. Like, I went to it, but I didn't really try too hard, because I knew I always really wanted to do this. So, if I'm not in a touring band, I'm definitely going to be doing something else.
Where would you like to see Brighten within a year or two?
Justin: I would still like to be touring and with a record out. I would like to see a bigger fan base. We are always trying to talk to kids and trying to get up on ourselves, push ourselves. So, I would like to see us drawing kids more, yet still drawing fans on tour.
Last question, I'm one of the only males in this venue right now. Are you guys totally down to playing in front of a more than average female crowd?
Justin: I am. The thing I always say is I love this fan base. But, I would love to play to all ages. It's crazy because these kids are like the show goers. All the bands that I listen to, are what grown ups listen to. If I could get the interest of both age groups, that would be awesome. I love the kids. There the coolest kids that we always make friends with. But, yeah; I'm really happy with them.
I would personally like to thank Justin and the rest of Brighten for putting out an awesome record in Early Love. Be sure to buy the physical copy, or even the digital copy on iTunes.
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