Saturday, September 20, 2008

Review: Nightmare Of You- Bang EP

Nightmare of You- Bang EP

In the music industry, sometimes you might catch a family who is very talented in the music business. One always hears about the Kinsella’s marvelous work but another family overshadowed is the Reilly‘s. In this case Brandon Reilly and Nightmare of You. Most agree, Nightmare of You came out of nowhere with their Self titled debut in 2005. The boy’s introduce us to the dancy/indie EP “Bang.

Nightmare of You is an interesting outfit. With member’s formally of Glassjaw and The Movielife, success wasn’t far away. Bang is released on The Bevonshire Label, which is Nightmare of You’s own label. They recently split from East West Records in May, making the EP impossible to find in any Best Buy or FYE. So I recently went to local music shop, Looney Tunes, and found a copy there. That moment made me re-live the glory of one of the most forgot EP’s of 2007.

Bang is the sophomore release from NOY. It’s one of those EP’s that with every listen, it gets better and better. The release open’s up with the false track titled “I Don't Want To Dance Anymore.” To many, Nightmare of You brings resemblance of The Smiths and Morrissey. This track is clearly an example of Brandon Reilly giving a knack at an English sound. “I Was Never A Normal Boy” follows the first track. The guitar work that guitarist Joseph McCaffrey introduces reminds me a lot of Beatles/Beach Boy’s mashup. Reilly in this song keeps reminding the listener of his childhood life and how he was insecure about many things, including himself.

The first half of Bang is a completely different mood then the rest of the EP. The first half of the EP reminds me of a hang over from the self titled debut. Mellow, depressing rock. To start off the midpoint of Bang, “You're Very Dear To Me” turns the tide with the jazzy/dancing side of Nightmare of You. At first listen, I swore I heard this song on a Geiko commercial. But I can say, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear this song at a nightclub in New York City. “Bang” is the next track on the EP. Again, NOY keeping up with an upbeat tempo, the band show’s how sex is involved in their music. The finally song my personal favorite, “Herbal Jazz Cigarette.” The simple, yet hard driving drum beat that is illustrated in the song sets the speed of how fast you move your feet.

Everyone is going out but you will keep me in tonight even though you aren't here with me. You make me want to find God, you give me meaning for the means of my universe. Oh, the end would have no end. And if I don't see you soon I just might lose whatever is left of my mind. I know, I know, I know that I'm so crazy I know, I know, I know because you told me so. And there's nothing in this world that's quite prescribable that makes me feel the way I feel when I look into your eyes. -Herbal Jazz Cigarette

Getting back to the family members theory. With This Is Hell releasing a new record in 2008, so does Nightmare of You. This EP demonstrates why so many people respect what this band has done in so little time. This EP resembles English rock beats, classic bass, and just an overall positive impression. It’s a shame that Bang wasn’t released worldwide, because many people forgot about the drive of Nightmare of You. Bang brings back a reason why old fan’s should be excited for 2008.

Score: 82%

Track list:
1. I Don’t Want To Dance Anymore
2. I Was Never A Normal Boy
3. You’re Very Dear To Me
4. Bang
5. Herbal Jazz Cigarette


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