The seasons are changing. So does the music. I find myself bundled up at night in the winter listening to David Bazan or Pedro The Lion. But, I was pondering in my English class last week.. About all the new, tasteful releases being dropped. It’s about time our ears have something to dine to. Indie band Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin surely helped me support the claim of enjoying new music. Not only is the name one of the weirdest names; the music speaks different for the name.
Boris Yeltsin was the first Russian president in Russia. Funny, I’m currently learning about what he did to Russia. Put the destruction of the parliament building and the alcoholism to the side, he was a good man. SSLYBY bring destruction; but it’s through sound. The quintet is headed by vocalist Philip Dickey and company. For the many who haven’t heard of these guys, they released their debut album “Broom” back in 2005. It was later re-issued on Polyvinyl in 2006; which contributed to their publicity. In the previous release, SSLY,BY demonstrated many different styles to their sound. With catchy lyrics using Pangaea as a relationship; they should have kept going in that direction. But the album showed different sides to the band and left the listener with a question. Will the band ever settle with a strong sound?
It’s safe the say that these Missouri natives have found their sound in Pershing. The sophomore record opens up with their first leaked song “Glue Girls.” Philip tells his side of the story with love. Quoted as saying “tell me I should be looking for love with some other girl.”; it show’s how love sucks. The song doesn’t really resemble any sob stories as the song continues to grow in sound and reminds one of The Beach Boys. Another key tune on the record is “Dead Right.” The song popped up in my mind as one of those songs you drive along to when returning from the beach. Ironically, the following song is called “The Beach Song.”
So what is one going to expect from this record. A lot. A huge step up from their previous record Broom. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin really brings that 70’s/80’s feel to the modern day listener. Pershing is one of those records where you don’t want to skip a song because it’s that damn catchy. So sit back, go get a Snapple, relax to some television and let the boys ease your stress away.
Overall: 87%
Daytrotter Sessions
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