Monday, December 29, 2008

TTMYL: 2008's Best Albums/EP's/Etc...

Things That Make You Learn: 2008's Best Albums/EP's/Etc...

2008 has been an interesting year. In three days, that "has" will be "was." But for now, I'm still living this year. School has been very interesting, life has been interesting. It's been made of many positives and some negatives. Music has been the same way. A very week year, in my opinion. But anyways, here's what I've enjoyed these past 12 months or so. Happy New Year.

The 20 Best Records of 2008

1. Koufax- Strugglers
2. Forgive Durden- Razia's Shadow
3. Bridges and Tunnels- East/West
4. Ra Ra Riot- The Rhumb Line
5. Deerhunter- Microcastle
6. Beach House- Devotion
7. Atlas Sound- Let The Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel
8. City and Colour- Bring Me Your Love
9. Nada Surf- Lucky
10. Obi Best- Capades
11. Born Ruffians - Red, Yellow, Blue
12. Shearwater- Rook
13. Fleet Foxes- Fleet Foxes
14. The Years Gone By- Forever Comes Too Soon
15. Bridges and Powerlines- Ghost Types
16. Brightwood- Wake
17. Deerhunter- Microcastle

18. The Walkmen- You & Me

19. This Town Needs Guns- Animals

20. Annuals- Such Fun

Honorable Mentions:

Tigers Jaw- Tigers Jaw

Good Old War- Only Way To Be Alone

Earlimart- Hymn and Her

The Uglysuit-The Uglysuit

Hit The Lights- Skip School, Start Fights

High Places- High Places

Vivian Girls- Vivian Girls

Sparks The Rescue- Eyes To The Sun

Cale Parks- Sparklace

Socratic- Spread The Rumors

Edison Glass- Time Is Fiction

The Best Pop-Punk EP’s of 2008

The Wonder Years- Won’t Be Pathetic Forever

You, Me, and Everyone We Know- So Young, So Insane

The Crosstown Rivalry- Pull Down The Sky

This Condition- We Don’t Have To Be Alone

Agent- Awake In Their World

Brighten - Early Love

Alaska and Me- I Will Dye In The West

Man Overboard- Hung Up On Nothing

The Best EP's (In General) of 2008

Kevin Devine- I Could Be With Anyone

Library Voices- Hunting Ghosts & Other Collected Shorts

Maps & Atlases- You And Me On The Mountain

Inkwell- Flosum

Matt Pond PA- FREEEP

Chris Bathgate – Wait, Skeleton

Look Mexico- Gasp Asp

2009 Next Big Things:


Tigers Jaw

The Crosstown Rivalry

Silk Flowers

The Downtown Fiction

Alaska and Me

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Who's gonna be 2009's "Bon Iver?": Peasant

I remember it well. Bon Iver. Yes Justin Vernon. Listening to For Emma, Forever Ago made everyone realizes music can be great, even at it's easiest. Vernon doesn't play music that's going to blow you away with its technicality, but with it's simplicity. You know when you can listen to anything whenever? Probably Bon Iver. With all this hype, it's safe to say 2008 was filled with enough Bon Iver hype.

Now the question is: Who will be 2009's "Bon Iver?" Let me introduce to you, Peasant. I've been keeping an eye on this guy for about a year now. Saw him play in PA one time, I was impressed. But he didn't have any releases. Though I hate how he likes the Phillies, you can't deny how beautiful this mans voice is. Just like Bon Iver, music at its simplest sounds so good. Damien Derose releases On The Ground next month. With me saying he's going to be the new Vernon, I'm saying how FEFA was originally released in 2007. Sorta like how On The Ground is. On The Ground is my favorite album of this year. Passing Koufax and Atlas Sound. Yes.

Daytrotter recently did a session with him. Listen to get a preview of what you're getting. You shouldn't pass this up.

Merry Christmas.

Peasant on Daytrotter

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dr. Manhattan on Daytrotter

Daytrotter...mmm. I wrote to Sean one time and asked to write for them. However, my style wasn't what they were looking for. I'm over it. My favorite website on the Internet, by far. His corny words and terrible paragraphs turn me on. Vagrant Records Dr. Manhattan have performed a session with them. Trust me, there are better bands on Daytrotter than them, but the session captures the weirdness of this band. Rumor has it they do insane amounts of drugs. Fact. Rumor has it they dress in drag during live performances. Fact. Rumor has it they did a great Session. Fact.

Dr. Manhattan on Daytrotter

Sunday, December 21, 2008

David Bazan: Sweet Briar College Feb 17th 2007

There used to be a time where all I did was listen to folk music. Well, at least I thought I did. David Bazan has been one of my favorite artists ever. Through his years with Pedro the Lion and his side project Headphones, this man is genius. He can put anyone in a calm mood with his lazy, heavy voice.

Being the man himself is releasing a new disc next month (American Flags via Barsuk), I've posted my favorite live set of his. Thank you to the dude who sent me it on the Weatherbox Forums. I would have posted this earlier, but I lost the set when my iPod broke. I hope everyone enjoys it. You can PREORDER David Bazan's new record, American Flags, here.

David Bazan: Sweet Briar College Feb 17th 2007

Track list:

Download: Megaupload

Thursday, December 18, 2008

TTMYL: Top 10 Worst Albums of 2008 (4-1)

Things That Make You Learn: Top 10 Worst Albums of 2008 (4-1)

Did I build up suspense? Here you go!

4. The Mars Volta- The Bedlam In Goliath

-The band in general went on a wrecking ball in 2008. I mean, Omar released about 3004994 solo/side projects/crap albums this year. I felt the release was just too damn weird. Nothing made sense. Figures.

3. The Maine- Can't Stop Won't Stop

-When The Maine announced they had signed to Fearless Records, I was stoked. They released The Way We Talk EP in 2007, which showed a lot of potential. But 2008 is a new year. After the first song, I couldn't do anything with this record. The press photos were gross, the fans are gross, this album is gross. Please make a new record and stop releasing fan girl crap.

2. Brokencyde- Brokencyde

Didn't even listen to the album. The picture is enough to describe the album.

1. Black Kids- Partie Traumatic

-Well, well. What do I have to say about this band. The song "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance" is great. If they just released one single, they probably would be the next Teen Bop sensations. But, they aren't teens and they aren't bop. The mispelling of "Party" really pissed me off. Pitchfork's review was great. The album just went no where. I still listen to that one song. I usually pretend I'm playing it in front of my school in a talent show. Oh well.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

a personal blog post: what the hell is going on?

I'm going to pull away from music today. Though, I'll probably wind up blending something musical into this post. Life has been very weird lately. It's just been a huge blur. For one, I think I'm going deaf. I've been told I listen to the T.V. way to loud. Oh well. Another problem: School. It's been a hard junior year. Well, sorta. I didn't make honor roll..which pissed me off due to me having all grades above an 80%. Today, I forgot to stay after for Physics extra help. I really need that. I can't stand my teacher. The class is 40 minutes long, of just the class going crazy/screaming. I'm part to blame, just not a lot.

Loveless like usual. Not talking about the My Bloody Valentine album. I'm just loveless. Nothing is seeming to work out right now. Let me turn back to about a month ago, and change things up just a tad bit. I'm a silly boy. I take things too personal and I think too much. I try to repair, yet I just damage. Who knows what's going to happen. It just gives me a headache. So if you do read this, let me know what I should do.

To the music portion: I've been listening to a lot of Owen lately. Mostly (the ep) and self titled. It's just been really chilling and relaxing. Some other rec's: Beach House-Devotion. One of the best records this month. The duet is just gorgeous. The Walkmen and Born Ruffins. Their Daytrotter sessions are lovely. I'll be posting the rest of my worst albums tomorrow (Thursday). The albums of the year/songs will be up by Christmas. Hopefully, you'll give them a chance as well.

Some other personal note: I'm looking to write for a new site. I've sent some samples to Tiny Mix Tapes. No response. I've been talking to Wonka Vision Magazine. I'm totally stoked to see what can come up of this.

Until then, cheers.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

This Condition- We Don’t Have To Be Alone [EP]

This Condition- We Don’t Have To Be Alone [EP]
Release: November 21, 2008

Lalalalalala. Long Island doesn’t really produce music anymore. And if this land mass does put out music, it usually sucks. It’s either terrible hardcore acts or some TBS cover band. So lets say it’s been a while since there’s been a band worth the hype. I could stop my review here, but I’ll keep going. The area hasn’t put out “pop-rock” music ever. Not even “pop-punk.” But it seems times have changed...

While Long Island isn’t the new Maryland, the area is starting to get some good bands to blossom. One of those bands is This Condition. One could say this band was generic at one point. They have opened for all indie label acts on the Island. Trust me, I’ve seen them a lot. They released an EP last year; I wouldn’t call it great, but it showed that they had potential. Nearing the end of 2008, This Condition released We Don’t Have To Be Alone, a five song EP highlighting the potential of this band.

This Condition delivers the listener, “The Timing” right away. This radio-begging track showcases the prancing vocals of Nate Cyphert, where his pipes bring resemblance to Bryce Avery of The Rocket Summer. The duo of Crypher and Steve Keyes can make any listener remember the chorus, “We Don’t Have To Be Alone/I’m gonna set the record straight/ I’m a kid on the interstate.” From this upbeat fashion, This Condition slows it down with “Red Letter.” This track seems to be a favorite of most listeners. Cyphert’s addition of acoustic guitar and his falsetto’s, has the listener thinking. You could even get lost in the music.

I’m not gonna ruin the EP for the listener. So I’m going to jump to the last track, “Barefoot (Steve’s Song).” This track gives the listener a feel of how comfortable This Condition is with their sound. While it might not be unique, they know how to make it polished. Think of This Providence before they signed to Fueled By Ramen, the sound we all loved. This Condition portrays this sound. They even end the EP with a little sing along at the end.

While I could beg you to listen to this, I won’t. I’ll tell you that if you don’t listen to This Condition soon, they won’t be alone. They should be signed to a label. We Don’t Have To Be Alone is polished pop-rock. It’s not overdone by anything cheesy - it’s straight up. Predicting 2009: This Condition should be the next hype band all over the internet. We Don’t Have To Be Alone is a hit.

Artist: This Condition
Album: We Don’t Have To Be Alone EP
Label: Unsigned
Location: Long Island, New York
RIYL: This Providence, The Rocket Summer, The Maine
Reviewed By: Kyle Schnitzer

TTMYL: Top 10 Worst Albums of 2008 (10-5)

Things That Make You Learn: Top 10 Worst Albums of 2008 (10-5)

Not gonna lie, this year has been a music drought. Mostly made out of really bad music. Here's a list of my Top 10 Worst Albums of 2008. Please argue if you think otherwise.

10. Anthony Green- Avalon

-I was a huge fan of this guy. Then it seemed that every scene kid latched onto his life. His live performances sucks, just like this album. The only track worth listening to is the "I've Been Dying To Reach You" version with Good Old War.

9. The Dodos- Visiter

-Some bands get too much press. Example: The Dodos. Not gonna lie, I'm a fan of the band. But, this release, did not live up to the hype. Found it boring after track 2.

8. Joan of Arc- Boo Human

-Originally, I was pretty impressed with this release. I'm a fan boy of the whole Kinsella family. However, it gets bad when I hum a song thinking they wrote it, when it's a completely different band. I'm very disappointed with this release, but still love this family. Oh yeah, Mike release new music already.

7. Manchester Orchestra- Let My Pride Be What's Left Behind

-Someone recently told me I don't like "semi-popular music." I wouldn't call Manchester Orechestra "semi-popular," but that's what she meant. This EP was a total tease. Honestly, seven dollars for a 12 minute DVD? And two new songs? Come on. The artwork is on my wall though. Probably one of my favorite artworks this year.

6. The Hold Steady- Stay Positive

-Enough said.

5. Gang Gang Dance- Saint Dymphna

- Probably one of the most genric bands of 2008. I mean, if they came out like two years ago..I would like them more. But this release doesn't stand up to MGMT or El Guincho. Sirus plays this on channel 26 a lot. It gets annoying.

Check back later this week for my 4-1 list!!

A Merry Linden Christmas

I love this time of year. No lies. Love the cold weather, love physical labor. However, I don't love the cookies being baked in my house, the frustrations between me and relatives, and me having no money whatsoever. My friend is in a band called Linden. They just released an EP, appropriately titled "A Merry Linden Christmas." It's four songs, all acoustic. The female vocals between Kara and Casi Carlson is gorgeous. So yeah, go download the EP. It's free!

A Merry Linden Christmas

Track List:

1. My Angel (Acoustic)
2. Over and Over (Acoustic)
3. Redefine (Acoustic)
4. What Child Is This (Acoustic Cover)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Things That Make You Learn- Christmas EP #2

Things That Make You Learn- Christmas EP #2

Track list:

1. Socratic- A Christmas Coal Carol

2. The Bigger Lights- Happy Holidaze

3. The Brightlife- Meet Me Under The Mistletoe

4. Brightwood- Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel

Download: Mediafire

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Things That Make You Learn- Christmas EP #1

Things That Make You Learn- Christmas EP #1

Track list:

1. The Hoodies- All I Want For Christmas

2. The Years Gone By- Christmas Eve

3. Asteria- Have Yourself A Lonely Little Christmas

4. A Day At The Fair- Here Lies Our Holidays

5. The Summer Set- Love By Our Side

Download: Mediafire